(saved the datatables in xml and both files are exactly the same). Source Code for showing the report is c = newĬ() Ĭ.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Root_Path,Ĭ.SetParameterValue('prmSystemDate', Current_Date) įrmReportViewer v = new frmReportViewer() Īnd frmReportViewer FormLoad is private void frmReportViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) Web.config includes useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy='true'.Reports are being generated by passing DataTable, no activeĬonnection or ConnectionString in reports.Using Visual Studio 2017 Community (tried VS 2015).Application Target Framework 4.6.2 (i even tried it on 4.0 but same error).Installed Crystal Reports Tried installing 13.0.20(latest) and restarting PC but didn't work.
64 bit is required because loading data on one of the screen causes a memory issue - so it can't work on 32 bit. My reports work fine on a 32 bit machine but won't open on 64 bit.